We are urgently in need of more
contributors to the site, especially people who can keep the current affairs
section e.g. MUHS, movies, and happenings sections updated. Although we are as
of now putting in a lot of effort to keep this site upto date, without YOUR
contributions, the site is bound to be a failure.
Individual one-off contributions to any of the sections e.g new notes for the
notes section are accepted and very welcome. The contributor's name may or may
not be mentioned as per his/her preference.
Incisive essays about current affairs or short descriptions
of the recent developments in a particular subject (e.g. treatment of
asthma) or recent surprising medical discoveries are very welcome
and shall be given a prime place on the home page itself (i.e. the page that
appears to all the viewers when they log on to the site)
Submissions may be emailed to oncogen@kemates.com
or written in the messageboard/ feedback sections (the articles will be
transferred to the main page later..)
Annual budget of the site :
Rs. 700 (Needed for domain name registration, shared equally by Oncogen and
Webmaster , Web
Oncogen (Dr. Siddharth D. Kharkar)
(Please don't send me messages saying it should be oncogene... I don't say bad
things about your name do I? :) ... I'm just kidding...)
Email : oncogen@kemates.com
Co - Webmaster :
Dr. Mukesh D. Sharma.
Email: mukesh@kemates.com
Section Editors / Builders :
1) MessageBoard: Maintained by the users. The moderator is
2)Chat :
Moderators currently are Oncogen and Mukesh. We are on the
lookout for more moderators.
3)Career :
Section editor : Oncogen.
Email : oncogen@kemates.com
Section Editor : Dr. Dhruv Kazi
Email : dhruv@kemates.com
Section Editor : Urgently required.
Section Editor : Dr. Nikhil S. Patkar
Email: nikhil@kemates.com
Biomedical Engineering:
Section Editor : Oncogen
Pharmacology :
Section Editor : Required
Medical informatics :
Section Editor : Dr. Chetan Wasekar
Public Health :
Section Editor : Dr. Ruma Bhagat. ?
Maintained by the users. The post of editor is available.
An editor for this section is URGENTLY required. An
individual with an acerbic tongue would be highly preferred. All the reviews
need not be written by the section editor himself/herself. He/ She can also take
the help of his/her friends provided due credit is given to their contribution.
If you are interested in taking charge of this section, kindly contact oncogen@kemates.com
or mukesh@kemates.com .
6)Links :
Currently maintained by Oncogen. Users of the site are urged to send the
addresses of sites they like along with a short review. If included, the
contributors will be given due credit for the same.
7) Hiking / Recreation:
The section editors are Dr. Rohit Divekar and
Dr.Nikhil Patkar. If you would like to contribute to this section by sending
descriptions of interesting places/hikes you have been to, please email anyone
of them ( nikhil@kemates.com or rohit@kemates.com
8) News and Current affairs:
The section is maintained by Dr. Roopa Nishi . Please contact roopa@kemates.com
for contributing to this section. All contributions to this and all other
sections of the site shall be clearly credited to the contributor of the
9) Book Reviews:
Currently maintained by Oncogen. Please send your book reviews to
oncogen@kemates.com .If you think we are being too
pompous in thinking that we are worthy of writing book reviews, please read our
article :
"Who the hell do we think we are
to be writing book reviews?!?!?!?"
(Click on the line above to go to the article)
© none ... :)