This section consists of two
parts :
1) Notes and Reference material :
Contains mainly reference material e.g The RNTCP guide published by the Govt. of
We alsp hope to include a collection of note for students in the 1/2 and 3rd
years, however, currently the number of such notes is very low. We heartily
encourage the visitors of this site to contribute their own notes to the site,
for which they will be given due credit.
Kindly click on the image below to go to the notes / reference
section :

2) Medical software:
The greatest and best software searched from around the net. Some of the
software is pretty large, but as it turns out, the larger software e.g.. the
emergency management software for madsceintistsoftware.com (p.s don't be put off
by the name.. its a really good piece of software) is the better of the
Please click on the image below to go to this section :