As has already been discussed, the CAT(Computer Adaptive Test) is quite
different from the normal paper and pencil test which was in vogue earlier. Some
advantages and disadvantages of both the formats of the test are as follows :
1) Skipping questions posssible,
2) Rechecking answers possible,
3) Relatively easier questions,
1) Rigid schedule of test dates,
2) Less time available for answering,
3) Delay in knowing the scores.
1) Tests held throughout the year (easy scheduling),
2) Retaking test possible every calender month,
3) More time available for answering,
4) Unofficial score available immediately.
1) Skipping questions not possible,
2) Rechecking of answers not possible,
3) Relatively tougher questions.
Computer adaptive tests are scored differently
than the paper and pencil tests.
Your score on the CAT depends on a combination of such factors as :
1) the NUMBER of questions you answered within the alloted time,
2) your PERFORMANCE on questions answered throughout the test,
3) the level of DIFFICULTY of those questions in relation to your overall
performance at that point in the test.
Now, it is firmly believed that the first 5-10 questions that one answers
count the most. What this means is that if you answer the first 5-10 questions
correctly, your test score goes up considerably and then even if you answer a
few questions incorrectly towards the end, your score doesn't get affected much.
On the other hand, if you answer some of these "strategic"( first 5-10
questions) incorrectly, your score takes a dip from the beginning and even if
you answer all the remaining questions correctly, your score is not likely to
recover to a higher range. This is what is firmly believed by the majority.
Based on this theory it is proposed that one should answer the first 5-10
questions with the utmost caution and devoting some extra time (if required) -
because getting these answers correct is very important for achieving a good
Therefore, the practice followed by the majority is to DEVOTE EXTRA TIME
FOR THE FIRST FEW QUESTIONS, and then pace the remaining test accordingly.
This should be done carefully with an eye always on the remaining time. Don't
spend too much time on any one question. If, after you have given it a
reasonable amount of thought, you don't know the answer, ELIMINATE as many
answer choices as possible and then select the answer you think the best. The
main aim should be to COMPLETE the test.
Complete the test either by giving equal weightage to all questions (as
suggested by Oncogen) or by giving extra time for the initial few questions -
the option is a personal choice and both seem to be effective methods, as can be
inferred from Oncogen's score - 2290!!