The test basically consists of three sections of 800 marks each:
1) Quantitative
3) Verbal
Total marks = 800 + 800 + 800 = 2400
IMPORTANT NOTE : one of the
sections above is REPEATED, so that in the exam, you actually have to solve
four sections instead of three. However only three sections count
towards your score. The other section is experimental and is used to gauge the
difficulty of the questions for use in future tests. However, ETS has chosen not
to mark the experimental section. It may appear anywhere along the sequence and
one of the most foolish things you could do would be to try and identify it and
solve it casually, because if you are mistaken, you could be solving a scoring
section casually! Take my advice, solve all the sections with equal diligence.
What follows is a brief description of these sections:
1) Quantitative :
In simple words, Mathematics. The level of maths that is to be used is very
low. That , however does not mean that the questions in this section are
extremely easy.
The Questions are very well thought out, which means that you have to apply
the principles you ALREADY know (except for the odd probability / sequences
problem, all the problems are based on math principles that were taught to us in
high school) DIFFERENTLY in order to solve those problems.
An example would be more illustrative than anything I could write .Try
solving this oft repeated question:
*If John can make a typewriter in 5 min and if Harry can make it in 4 minutes,
How long will it take for both of them working together to make one
(Answer : 20/9 or approx. 2.2 min )
The questions in this section can be divided into various subsets :
a) Problem solving : like the problem
given above.
b) Quantitative comparisons : e.g.. which
one is greater? (0.8)(0.8) OR 80(0.004)
c) Graph questions : A graph is provided
and question based on the graph (e.g.. What is the percentage change in sales
from July to November) are asked. This is the question in which you might make
mistakes because the numbers involved are frequently very large and the answer
choices , frequently very close together.
2) Analytical
The section most people find most difficult and which improves SIGNIFICANTLY
with practice. You will get almost all the questions wrong in this section
before you read the guidelines in one of the books we recommend (And we strongly
recommend Kaplan for this purpose..)
There are two main types of questions in this section :
a) Logic games : the predominant type.
Have you ever played those mind games that appear in books or at the very last
page of the Sunday review? These are a bit like those.
b) Logical reasoning : An argument is
given . You have to find out the conclusion, the evidences supporting that
conclusion and the assumptions the author makes in order to make the evidences
relevant to the conclusion, and THEN find a logical fault in the author's
reasoning. If you are confused by now, you ought to be. This according to me, is
THE single most difficult question type on the GRE. However with a lot of
practice, you could turn this question into one of your strong points. Once you
get the hang of it (again, read Kaplan) you can solve these questions in a very
short time, thereby giving you more time for the logic games.
3 ) Verbal :
The section in which the most hard work is required. The work consists of
trying to cram in a "word list" of around 2000 words that is listed in
Barrons. In other words, it is like trying to cram a dictionary! VERY boring,
but VERY necessary.
Four types of questions are asked :
1) Sentence completions : fill in the
blanks :) . However, you would be very mistaken if you thought this was child's
play. The choices given are pretty difficult words themselves and its quite
difficult to pick the correct answers.
2)Antonyms : eg. choose the antonym of
the following word from amongst the choices given: (Voluble) choices : taciturn,
manly, heavenly ,slovenly. These Questions are straightforward
: you know the word list, you can answer them. If you don't , you can't .End of
3) Analogies : I cannot even begin to
explain what this means. You would do better to read a book rather than have
your mind confused by me over this difficult question type.
4) Reading comprehension : The most
wildly irritating question type. I wish I could find the people who wrote these
horribly constructed vague essays and cauterize their language areas, which have
probably herniated into their scrotums... Pretentious topics, a pompous array of
words arranged in a bewildering fashion with no apparent direction of motion.
In my exam, the long essay of this type described " The application of
logical reasoning to art, especially painting". I couldn't understand a
word of it. I marked all the "C" s.