The closure of the Mental illnesses club:
the mental-disease-of-the-month club is being disbanded immediately. The reasons
dipsomania month, the club party spent 10 times its budget on refreshments.
kleptomania month, all of the club furnishings were removed, and (as
aforementioned) the budget was already spent and gone.
megalomania month, the club organization broke down due to having sixteen
claimants to being Club President, etc.
multiple personality month, our club roster roughly tripled in size with no
increase in dues.
paranoia month, the inflated roster dropped to zero as each member changed his
or her mailing address and left no forwarding address for the club.
members were obviously out to ruin us; it's all clear now. It took all our
remaining personal savings to track you all down. Therefore, here is your last
installment: clinical depression. Have a nice day."