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The Most Interesting Sites: 1)
Brain connection : This site provides access to information about many discoveries that
are being made in areas that relate to human brain development, including
learning, memory and aging, as well as illness, injury and disorders of the
brain. BrainConnection.com is an online source, dedicated to furthering the
knowledge of parents, educators, students or the curious visitor.
Mnemonics is a technique of improving memory. This free online searchable database of medical mnemonics is created to help students of health-related professions remember important details. Currently, a total of 264 Medical Mnemonics are available in the database. The database has a distribution network is created and maintained for students who have derived or learned some valuable mantras and wish to share their mnemonics with others. The site is geared towards providing a few take-a-break smiles along the way.
A very good site about innovations in the field of genetics, including
applications of genetics in medicine (e.g the site includes an article about HOW
exactly gene therapy might be carried out.. just to stimulate your curiosity,
some of the tecniques involve viruses..
Large Medicine Portals:
1) Medscape
The Mayo Clinic is an online medical information guide that provides users and patients with educational articles about diseases, explaining signs, symptoms, causes, treatments, complications, self-care, prevention, complementary and alternative medicine, the circumstances under which to see a doctor, and more
Claiming to tell you exactly what you need to know, Discovery Health
provides daily news updates on a variety of health topics: illnesses and
conditions and such. Through user-friendly navigation, and comprehensive
language, get a hold of your particular interests, including Fitness, Nutrition,
Women's Health, conditions and much more. Answer some simple questions about
yourself and your medical history, and discover how your health stacks up
against standards for people just like yourself in the free Health Risk
Assessment. 4)
Health Healthon/Webon is an Internet healthcare company connecting various parties in healthcare-from patient to physicians to hospitals to insurance and other healthcare organizations. User has two options for search: by disease or by topic (alternative medicine; diet and nutrition; emotional wellness...) Contains easily understandable self-care advisor, which originate from the American Institute for Preventive Medicine's Self-Care Guide, listing symptoms and ways to treat them. Includes news, diseases, med.tests, herbs&vitamins, drugs, lab.tests, interviews with experts, medical research. Drug database has 3 subdivisions: 1 Prescription drug reference-to fined a drug you can look for it under its brand or generic name. 2 PDR Family guides to over the counter drugs-lists more than 340 frequently used over the counter remedies. 3 PDR Family Guide to Natural Medicine and Healing Therapies. Information on 300 herbal remedies (kava, St.John Wort ) Provides Rush-Presbyterian St Luke's Medical Center Med.Encyclopedia. Covers more than 2000 topics including disease conditions, treatments, medical terms and anatomy. On this site the Yale University School of Medicine provides Patient's Guide to Medical Tests. Excellent comprehensive description of the most common diagnostic procedures (CT, MRI, bronhoscopy, laparoscopy...) Explains how to prepare for a test, what to expect during the test and how you may feel afterward. Also explains to patient how doctor diagnoses hypertension, an infectious disease, neurologic disorders, pregnancy...
“Medicdirect,” supported by leading medical consultants in the United
Kingdom, is an innovative website, providing a health care information service
to individual users. Making it simple for everyone, one can easily access a
plethora of information from drug updates to one-on-one interactive discussions
with the medical practitioners who are more than willing to assist with their
best medical approach.
Alternative Medicine: 1)
Pain-management.com The site below points to a very good general purpose pain management
site, with a section on acupuncture / acupressure.
This is textbook from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Each chapter of this book is derived from lectures given to second year medical students (in the Medical Microbiology course) with links to other sites. Contains sections on Bacteriology, Immunology, Virology, Parasitology and Mycology. Many chapters are accompanied by lecture notes in pdf format and PowerPoint slide files.
eMedicine.com EMedicine.com features up-to-date, peer-reviewed medical textbooks for
health professionals and for the family in Emergency Medicine, Wilderness
Emergencies, Consumer Treatment Guidelines, etc. The Textbooks provide medical
definitions, anatomical illustrations, audio, and video. A most part of the
texts from other topics are under development and have not yet been finalized. E
medicine.com is currently developing several electronic medical books. All
medical professionals from around the world who are interested in authoring or
editing one or more chapters, are welcome to write textbooks online quickly. and
efficiently. |