A surprisingly large amount of
medical software is available on the internet. However most of it is not free,
and in fact is quite expensive. (some of them costing as much as 200 dollars...)
We can't provide you with that kind of software, but we have scoured the net to
bring you this collection of programs, which are a bit outdated and totally lack
graphics (e.g.. the DKA program) or are shareware (e.g The madscientist
emergency program)
Here's to hoping that you enjoy these programs and that our college gives us
access to some of the more expensive ones...
Recommended : 1) ECG analysis
2) Emergency simulator from madscientist.com
New :
1) HyperTox :
This is a comprehensive toxicology program with interactive cases of poisoning
cases for treating on your own. The software consists of a very vast
database of toxins (almost all the drugs are covered) and 5 interactive
poisoning cases.
( 3.6 MB approx 30 min )
available Software :
1) Diabetic Ketoacidosis simulation :
A very small but enjoyable little program which has 3 different cases for you to
try and treat. The program is quite well thought out ( You can't give IV fluids
before putting an IV line in)
This is a DOS based program and therefore doesn't look too good. Don't expect
virtual patients and you wont be disappointed.

(77KB. less than 1 min.)
2) Trauma management simulation :
Even more interesting than the previous program.. This time, the patient is an
accident victim.
Verrrrrrry enjoyable, but there is only one case and hence the enjoyment is
verrrry short lived.
Again this is DOS based, so no graphics at all.

(75KB. less than 1 min)
3) Diabetes treatment predictor :
Different from the above two programs in that it gives you answers rather than
asking for them.
You input the patient's details (age, sex, wt etc... )and the kind of insulin
therapy you are planning to put the patient on, and the program gives out 2
graphs : one showing the variation in the glucose levels throughout the
day and the other showing the variation in blood insulin levels, along with some
more info.
You can even print the graphs if you want to.
Very interesting, but of no practical use to a general practioner.

(1 MB .approx 7 min)
4) Emergency management software from www.madscientistsoftware.com
( Great address... wish I had thought of it first... )
This is the mother lode. The best of the lot. Even though the download size is
large, it is worth every excruciating minute..
This software contains a suite of programs including trauma management, chest
pain management and cardiac arrest management. There are a large number of cases
to be experimented with.
The program is windows based and the interface as well as the functioning
is excellent.
Definitely DEFINITELY worth the download time.
If anyone buys the full software ( 99$ I think... ha!) Please lend me the CD..

( 11MB approx 50 minutes )
5) ECG analysis software :
Very good software with around 30 ECGs presented neatly in question and answer
format. Very useful for practicing to read ECGs and heartily recommended to
You won't regret having downloaded this software.
Most highly recommended software of this collection. The madscientist.com
software would have been my pick, were it not for the very large size of that
There are two sets of 30 ECGs each with different ECGs in each. The first one is
the smaller one of the two.
(1.6 MB approx 11 min)

(1.8 MB. approx 13 min)
6) Bug Brain version 2.0
This is a game which is not exactly medical in its scope. It is more a logical
sort of game where you build your creature's ( a bug ) brain from scratch so
that he can survive in the virtual world. You set forth a set of rules which
your creature follows and if your rules are well thought out, your creature wins
the ultimate prize : He/she gets to live!
The "brain" that you thus build can be put up for download over the
net or shown off to your friends. There are some "brains available for
download on the site itself.
Although this game is a little difficult to play, it's worth the effort. You
just might spend hours trying to make your creature the smartest.
Website address : www.australianwildlife.com.au\bugbrain

(8.5MB. approx 45 min.)
7) Body surface area calculator :
You enter the height and the weight..and get the approximate BSA.. what
could be simpler?
(164 KB. approx 2 min)
8) Formation of coronary plaque movie :
A short impressive apple quick time movie showing the formation of a coronary
plaque. Made and copyrighted by the Medical college of Ohio... medical college?
Makes you kind of think..
Nice movie, doesn't take too long to download.
Be sure to put "full screen" on while watching the clip for best
KB approx. 5 min. Needs apple Quick time player to run)