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When nations indulge in making weapons of mass destruction, they exercise a
great deal of secrecy. So would you, if you were planning to poison the waters
and suffocate the skies and thereby end the lives of a few million or so of your
fellow human beings.
The veil, though, has lifted somewhat in recent years. The programs
of Iraq
in this field were exposed after the compulsory inspections of the weapons
facilities by UN inspectors after the Gulf war. The stupefying vastness of the
biological program was exposed after two of its top scientists defected to the
US and UK. The US biological offense
program, which at least for some time after ww2, was probably larger
than the Soviet effort, was disbanded in 1969 by President Richard Nixon and the
details of the program were gradually made public.
Other than the programs of these three countries, not much is known about
biological weapons research being carried out in the world. And yes, it IS definitely
being carried out in other countries. Israel and
Iran almost definitely have
biological programs of their own. Iran maintains a large stockpile of smallpox
vaccine (1.6 million doses) . Pakistan is another country that probably has an
active biological weapons research program. India was accused in certain
quarters of having considered using biological weapons during the Kargil war.
The section therefore mainly details the programs of three countries : US,
the former USSR and Iraq. I shall stick only to facts while describing the
programs of these countries. For description of the rest of the programs (which
are appropriately brief), I am unable to present anything more concrete than
rumors and unsubstantiated news articles.