Contents: Starting this fortnight, we have decided to make all the material on kemates available for download and offline reading. Thus for example, you will be able to download Roopa Nishi's article on Stem cells or the entire Hiking section by Rohit Divekar, along with the pictures, and read them later at your own leisure. The file sizes are surprisingly small and it takes very little time (2-3 minutes) to download the articles. However, since this article is large (It contains around 60 photos), it will take you around 6 min to download the whole thing. Click here to
download this entire article : History: I most
certainly know what you are thinking.. who wants to read about the past anyway?
But as someone rightly said, "Those who don't learn from the mistakes of
the past are bound to repeat them in the future" The Tools of Terror: This part of the article (which is quite large) takes a look at the
microorganisms which are known to have been "weaponised" or are likely
to be. The section includes photos of what these germs can cause. Some of these,
for example in the smallpox article are quite disturbing.
Satan's Messengers: Now that you have selected your tool of choice, It's time to kill your
innocent fellow human beings! However, for doing that, you have to transport
your microorganisms to the site of the attack , which is what this section is
all about.
The Rogue Countries: The information on how biological research was being carried out in the US
and USSR is, unexpectedly so, very comprehensive. The Iraqi
program, too, has little more than a shred to protect it's secrecy, being
brought out into the open by repeated UN inspections after the Gulf war.
Relevant News articles : If all of this is as serious as I am making it out to be, why hasn't it been
in the news already? ALL of it has been. The UN after the WTC attacks in New
York issued a notice to all member states warning them of biological attacks and
advising them to take necessary precautions. A few days earlier, the UN
secretary general Kofi Annan in a widely publicized speech warned member
countries of exactly the same thing. Free Reading material: I have posted some of the material that I have read to write this article for download in this section. The file entitled "The Bioweaponeers" is recommended if you still have any doubts regarding the very real danger of such weapons. The section also includes a short list of interesting books related to
virology or biological warfare.
If you have any comments, suggestions or would like to make additions or corrections to this article, please email : oncogen@kemates.com