We hope to expand this part of
the site a lot in the coming days.. We hope to add the following sections in
here :
1) Jokes
2) Cartoons
3) Real life incidents (e.g. those occurring at Cooper on a regular basis)
The cartoons section is full of cartoons that Mr. Mark Parisi, a professional
cartoonist, has allowed us to publish here... ( Even CDC allows us to do this..
one of the advantages of being a non-profit medical site). Here is to thanking
the jolly guy.. :)
Please click on the links below to go to those
sections :
New additions ( 23 / 8 / 01 )
1) NO new Jokes added to the "jokes
section".... :(
2) BUT..... 27 (!) New cartoons added to the "Cartoons section".. :)
Expanding this section further depends a lot on you, so please contribute
Click on the button below to send your own contributions :